About the App

Begun in 1927 and now including more than 2,500 signs, the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VADHR) Historic Marker Program is the oldest historic marker program in the United States.

According to the VADHR, the markers "document facts, persons, events, and places prominently identified with the history of the nation, state or region". More information about the marker program can be found here including instructions on how the public can request the addition of new markers.

The raw marker location data that powers this map was provided by the VADHR and the basemap tiles by Stamen Design. Subject categories were added by the map's author in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of the depth and breadth of historic markers in Virginia.

The Historic Markers of Virginia mapping application is easy to use and the text of each marker can be read by clicking on icons on the map. Individual marker categories can be turned on & off by clicking on the layer icons at the top of the map. Map users can also search either by keyword or by address to find specific markers or see markers in areas of specific interest.

Copyright 2020 Daniel H. Watts

Icon Legend

Black History
Cities & Counties
Civil War
Colonial History
Commerce & Industry
Native American History
Revolution & 1812
Historic Markers of Virginia
Mapping Virginia's Historic Marker Program
Toggle Marker CategoriesTurn marker categories on and off by clicking on category icons. Categories are turned off when clicked and they become slightly transparent.
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